Friday, June 06, 2008

Stella Johnson's Book!

Stella Johnson, photojournalist, instructor, and repeat Fulbright award recipient for photographic projects, exhibited her work in the Galletly Gallery in 2006. Check out her first book, AL SOL .

Tim Whelan Reviews Stella Johnson’s Book
Al Sol

"Stella Johnson's photographs are poems weighted with grace, dignity, and compassion."
-Constantine Manos

Photography, the international language, can enrich our lives and open new worlds. This is the case with Stella Johnson's first book, Al Sol: Photographs from Mexico, Nicaragua and Cameroon. Johnson has immersed herself in village life as both a passionate photographer and compassionate observer. Living with the people whom she photographs, she is able to cross the line to capture intimate moments. Working with a handheld Leica, she is free to discover extraordinary moments in ordinary situations. Moments that allow us inside… children playing without toys…women preparing food and attending to life’s daily chores…men fishing.
Johnson demonstrates her skill at filling the frame and layering complex images: her use of light and shadow brings a classic luminosity to her images. Each image stands on its own. Patience and a little bit of magic bring a sense of joy and wonder to daily village life. Her palette of human emotions is universal, reminding us of the importance of love, dignity and respect.
The accompanying text expands the story: a preface by Constantine Manos, Johnson’s writing, and a conversation about the work with Gela Garcia and Gustavo Illades. The design by Michael Alpert, fellow Workshops instructor, is eloquent.
Al Sol is a book that will engage the human spirit and grace any book collection.
-Tim Whelan